Challenge me to step out of my comfort zone

I need your help!

For those of you who may not already know – I am shy. I’ve been shy for as long as I can remember.

Stepping out of my comfort zone is so important to me, as although I have made quite a bit of progress over the years,  I would love to one day overcome my shyness.

What I love about blogging and vlogging is that it allows me to show a bit more of my personality than I normally would with new people. One day (hopefully soon), I’d like to show you the unfiltered, holding nothing back, Debbie in all her glory lol!

With only eight days till my second solo trip, I’m in a bit of a frenzy to get myself organised for my trip. I haven’t even got my accommodation sorted out yet! ?

Today’s post was initially meant to be a photo gallery of my recent trip to Dubai, but whilst trying to get myself ready for my trip, I had a flashbulb moment.

In one of my recent posts, I talked about the benefits of solo travelling. One of them being how solo travelling is a good way to step out of your comfort zone. On my first solo trip I set myself a few small tasks that would push me out of my comfort zone such as vlogging with the camera facing me and asking someone to take a picture of me.

On this next trip, I want to push myself a hella lot more. This is where you guys come in.

I want you to set me tasks to do on my solo trip; tasks that you think will help get me out of my comfort zone. They can be as simple as smiling at five strangers or something a bit more tricky that will get my heart doing palpitations lol. Be as imaginative as you wish, but don’t get me acting like a crazy woman please! ??

I will be picking a few tasks from your suggestions and I plan to vlog the whole experience so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel!

Please leave your tasks below. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Well, until next time guys. Deuces! ??


Follow my travels as I work towards my goal of visiting 25 countries before I turn 25:

Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Snapchat: @debz_17

21 thoughts on “Challenge me to step out of my comfort zone

  1. I love this! I think you should take a picture with 5 random people you don’t know. Introduce yourself to people. If you see a group of people having lunch/breakfast ask if you can sit with them!

  2. Haha I agree with Damon. Ask a male for their number!
    Maybe try and go on a date while ur at it 😀
    -hug a stranger
    -go to a random club/bar
    -or just try to be friends with the locals ??

  3. Everyday spot someone that’s alone and ask them for either directions for a local hot spot or to take a photo of you…make sure to compliment them on some aspect that can lead you into a conversation and ask a question about it!

  4. Hey, great idea! Hmm, I would say try to learn something that only a local would know. So, rather than those blogger sites that have ’10 places/restaurants/activities you must see/eat at/do in (insert city)’ ask a local for their recommendation, or just learn something about what they think, feel, etc. about any manner of topic (I always have so many people asking me about Brexit and what people feel about it in Britain when I go abroad). Enjoy your next trip!

  5. talk to locals!! that’s the best way to feel comfortable in a new setting. while traveling, i always felt like the locals really helped with my anxiety. if theres music, start dancing and ask someone to join you. you can ask for a picture with someone for fun. anything along those lines. hope this helps and BEST OF LUCK!!

  6. talk to locals!! that’s the best way to feel comfortable in a new setting. while traveling, i always felt like the locals really helped with my anxiety. if theres music, start dancing and ask someone to join you. you can ask for a picture with someone for fun. anything along those lines. hope this helps and BEST OF LUCK!!

  7. One way for me to overcome this shyness is by remembering that nobody knows who you are. So you can (sort of) be someone new.
    My challenge for you (should you choose to take it) is ask at least 3 different person to take photos for you and then take photos with them 😉

  8. What a wonderful idea! I hope you have a lovely time on your trip, I think this is such a great idea and although there’s been some really good ideas already I’ll say maybe to ask someone either local or another traveller to do an activity together!
    I’m going on my first solo travel trip later this year and speaking to strangers and starting up a conversation is one of my big worries – definitely out of my comfort zone!
    JosieVictoriaa // Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle

    1. Thank you! I’m planning to go on a few more solo trips this year and I’m going to try and set myself challenges for each one so your suggestion will definitely come in useful, so thank you!

      Ohhh cool! Where are you planning to go? I can definitely relate to your worries, but I guess it’s something that we both just have to keep working at until these kinda things are like second nature to us. ?

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