Fifteen Things I Do To Help My Mental Health

Fifteen Things I Do To Help My Mental Health

You say your mental health is a priority, but do your actions actually match your claim? 

If that sentence hit you in your chest, don’t worry, it hit me too.

Sometimes life can be so hectic and overwhelming that you forget to take time to take care of yourself.

Well, this is a reminder that you need to really make your mental health a priority. Don’t let yourself reach breaking point, before you realise you should’ve done more for yourself.

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My Story: Travelling with Depression

My Story: Travelling with Depression

Before I start, I just want to clear up a few things:
1) I am in no way saying that travelling will help everyone who suffers from depression.
2) I am not a mental health expert, I’m just sharing my own experiences, with the hope that it will help someone get the help that they need.
3) If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, please seek help now!!!
UK suicide line | US suicide line | International suicide lines

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Ten inspirational quotes

Ten inspirational quotes

Although I am an optimist, we all go through times of depression, worry, fear and stress.

I recently went through such a situation that led me to feel that despite all my work and effort, everything seemed to be going wrong. Reaching out to my friends (a good support network is essential, you can’t do it alone!), I was able to get through the negativity and the whispers in the back of mind that told me that I couldn’t do it and that I should just give up.

One of my friends sent me this quote that perfectly matched my situation:

 “Having a plan doesn’t always mean having control. That’s just life. Now learning how to move forward when you don’t have that control, that’s just growing up.”

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